Lockdown style #1

How does the absence of social life change our look? And what can be done against the impending neglect?

By Jeroen van Rooijen

Do you know where the currently ubiquitous foreign word “lockdown” comes from? No, it has nothing to do with lock and key, but with the hairstyles that result from a sudden shutdown of the economy as a whole. We'll see that in the foreseeable future, when people crawl out of their holes again and squint shaggy in the sun: the curls have grown, no one bothered about a haircut. Rapunzel, let your locks down!

Jokes aside, the word derivation described above is of course far-fetched. But not quite, because: The lockdown has consequences for our appearance. If you just sit at home for weeks, don't meet anyone, move little and the public in the old sense, to which you are exposed, no longer exists, then we very soon look different. Shaggy, woolly, fatter, fallen out of the glue and neglected.

Something needs to be done about this early on. Walks and sports in the fresh air are allowed and necessary. Anyone who is locked up at home or has moved their work to the home office is also well advised to take care of their wardrobe despite the absence of the public. Theoretically you can sit on the sofa in the same jogging suit for a week – but in fact it is neither good for the home atmosphere nor for self-esteem.

You now involuntarily have a lot of time - you could use it to meticulously tackle the change of season from winter to summer clothes, which is due anyway, and to thoroughly clean out the wardrobe. This is the technical part of the "cleansing", which will certainly also have mental consequences: you become lighter, see more clearly - not a bad thing in these times.

Of course, no one will want to sit at the kitchen table in front of their laptop for six hours in a suit and tie. But a bit of style would also be good when working from home. It can be a little more than pajamas or jogging suits. The "casualization" of fashion has produced countless hybrids that go perfectly with our new indoor lifestyle. Jersey shirts, for example – comfortable and cool. Jackets that are as light and airy as a cardigan. Elegant trousers with a drawstring waist, also known as «joggers».

You do not have? Then go shopping quickly! Now is the time for it, the trade needs your support more urgently than ever. Click, click, fill the shopping cart, send the order - and soon set off on the second stage of this human tire test in style and exhilaration. Stay healthy and in good spirits!

Jeroen van Rooijen is a style critic and co-founder of the Alferano concept store in 2014. As he writes this, he's wearing an Aspesi Oxford shirt, Berwich stretch pants, Falke socks and CQP sneakers.